Thursday, June 9, 2011

*Dusts off the blog*

I've been terrible about updating. Horrible in fact. However I've been busy living life. Still things have been fun for the most part, and some of it interesting. So I'm going to try to make more of an effort to actually keep this going and updated. If nothing else, my writing ought to improve with the practice. Now let's see if I can stick too it.

To the few followers that I have, how have you been, and what have you been up too? I'd like to know. If you don't follow me and stumble upon this blog, well, I wouldn't mind hearing from you as well. :)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Missing Child

Update, I erased this post as he is no longer missing. Which is a good thing. Thanks for reading!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Night-time musings

"I am, what I am.
I'll be, what I'll be.
Look, can't you see?
That it's me, all of me?"

Yeah that sums up how I pretty well feel at the moment. It's from a song my kidlet learnt at school. Where the song is from exactly, and who wrote it... I have no idea. But still at the moment, it fits.

I've recently had a "friend" ask me if I could change myself, whom I was, my whole personality basically. To that I say, "uh, no." I am who I am, take it or leave it. And believe me, I've had a few people... well leave it. I can be blunt at times. Well a lot of the time. I don't do subtle well, or at all. Though I do have a little bit of tact. Perhaps not enough. But I also speak my mind, and if I'm pissed off, or think strongly about something, I'll say it. I also like to debate on things, occasionally. Sadly not everyone is good at doing so. And some take offense at my stances on some subjects. If I'm wrong on something, I admit it. I try not to offend people but, I'm not a "yes" person either. And this "friend" basically wanted me to be. I'd rather apologize for an accidental offense, than be walked all over. I have lost some people along the way, due to this, but it's better than being a doormat! And I've found a few people who like me for whom I am, (Even the quirks!)throughout my life. :3

I think everyone has had this happen to them at some points in their lives. I think as people grow, and evolve in their lives and personalities, some people just don't stay along for the ride. It can be sad sometimes, infuriating in others, but that's just the way things are. I've even had some people make their way back into my life, after having disappearing for some odd year, or several. Sometimes that's awesome, and sometimes... well in at least one case, the jury is still out on it. The way that friendship ended was; well it wasn't pretty. I can't say I'll ever effectively be able too trust them again. There's also small number of friends who've disappeared throughout time I wish I could find again. And a couple of friends who... I miss, though the rip in the friendship was over, I think misunderstandings, and stupidity. On both sides. Not just mine, or theirs. I have occasionally checked up on them, quietly, to just make sure they're doing well. And then there are the many faces who have been there, and then left. They were more aquaintances than friends.

That's life for ya.

To those of you still around, I love you! (As friends of course!) And any old friends who find their way to my page, feel free to stop by again to say hi. :3 I'd love to talk to you again, see how life has been for you since we last talked. And for some of you it's been years. And for new people... feel free to say hi too.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sometimes family isn't what it should be.

So friends of mine fell in love, and got married. At first his family seemed awesome, but it turned out, that they're not. So much so that they've harrassed, bullied, and well, now they want to basically have the female of the two deported back to the US (they moved to his homeland of australia) with her two girls, so they can keep her husband, and baby son under their control freakish thumbs. They're even trying to ruin her reputation, etc. How kind. So to get their story out there, they've created a blog for all to read. PLEASE read it, comment if you wish, and pass it on to as many people as you can, and have them pass it on. Email it, post it on twitter, facebook, myhell, etc. Make this viral! It'll make it harder for the family to lie to immigration, etc, if everyone knows that they are indeed together, and so forth. Plus this level of cruelty is just wrong!

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Halloween Countdown & MySpace Layouts

Quick Update

It's been awhile since I last updated. I'm sorry about that, but I've been rather busy. There's so much I'm trying to do, and so much that I want to do, that is keeping me occupied. Add in the few free bits of time I have are being taken up by facebook apps.... Yes I am addicted to them. Though I've deleted most of them fairly recently.

I'm mostly healed from surgery now. On the outside I'm pretty much fully healed, but internally at times I still feel twinges. I've been told this is normal, and as long as I continue loosing weight (while using low impact exercises), sticking to my gluten free diet, and don't lift more than 20lbs for a few months, I should be fine. Which is good news. My belly button is now an inner one, and full of scars, but hey, I'm hernia free.

And now it's October, the month of Halloween. I've already begun decorating for it. Yes it's early, but hey I love the holiday. :)

I've got a gazillion things to do today, so I shall end this here. Hopefully I'll be back soon to chatter at you all.

To all my friends, I love you. *hugs to you all!*