Just a bit of an update during a bit of quiet time I've got at the moment.
Yesterday I ended up going to the doctor as I'd been in quite a bit of pain since the night before. I was actually worried it might have been my appendex, and while I wasn't sure, I figured I better be safe than sorry. Thankfully my appendex is just fine. Unthankfully however, I've got a hernia, at the naval. From what the doctor told me, I've likely had it since I gave birth to my muchkin five and a half years ago. When you're pregnant all your organs are smooshed around. When the baby comes out, the umbilical cord that detaches from the mother, as well as the rest of the placenta, and things make their way back into their proper places. However sometimes, something herniates, and well... it stays messed up. And apparently that's what happened to me. Lovely. I'm never having children again. Heh. Anyhow it's small so I don't need surgery, unless things get worse. It's suggested I do eventually get surgery to repair it, but after I'm done losing weight to be healthier.
I'm pretrified at the idea of surgery. I know it's to be a simple one, but it seriously scares me.
So yeah still in pain though it's less today. I'm just going to take it a bit easy till the flare-up passes.
Today was my son's last day of school for the year. He's excited for summer vacation, but he's also sad that school's ended. He loves school to bits, which is good. But he's also looking forward to swim lessons that begin next week. Tomorrow however we go to the doctor over concerns his teachers had. They reccomended that he be tested for aspergers or some such. The way I figure things, is, can't hurt to check, and if he has it then I'll have resources to help him out. I'll post more about it later depending on well, how things turn out.
As for other news, well I've been making more gluten free foods. Made this awesome spice cake from a recipe I found here. It's yummy and the next time I make it will probably be Christmas. Also have made tuna noodle casserole, and a few other things. :D
Perhaps I'll see about posting pics later, or something.
I've also got an interesting summer art project developing in my head. It involves environmental art, and no that doesn't mean just going out and taking pictures of the environment. Though there is that too. Perhaps once the first one is done, I'll share it with you all. :)
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Checking In...
environmental art,
gluten free,
Monday, June 15, 2009
Sometimes I wish.....
That I was more eloquent when I talk and write. I also wish I could sometimes come across more clearly, without any verbal vomit attached. So far, this seems impossible, without quite a bit of thinking, and sorting through my brain to make sure I'm not sounding like a moron. And then I either confuse people, piss them off, or both.
I think I did the pissing off today. Not sure but I pretty well got the feeling that I did. And for that to the person, if I did, I am sorry. I was talking about soy itself, not vegetarianism/veganism. I have no problem with those who are vegetarians or vegans. (Unless someone tries forcing me to be, that is.) That last comment which did get sent to my e-mail that was made, before it was deleted kinda tipped me off that I pissed you off. And again, I'm really sorry that I did. That hadn't been my intention. The intention was perhaps to start a healthy debate. I do like those on occasion, with intelligent people, and I know you are one of those.
I'm not entirely sorry for talking about how soy isn't meant for the human digestive system, cause it's not. I just wasn't clear enough in why, I think. I should have mentioned WHY it's not, and what forms it's in, is better for people. To keep myself from jumbling things up, let me direct you to this site here. It sums it up better than I could, I think.
Fermented soy is alright, well as long as it's made from organic soy beans, and not the genetically altered hybrid crap from the US, other soy products? Not so much. I was one of many babies fed soy infant formula. BAD things happened. I won't go into the gory details, but things weren't pleasant. And now I've asthma, allergies, and I'm even gluten free now. Coincidence? Perhaps not. All I ask is read the article, look around, and make your own educated decision. Of course there's also a debate starting now if gluten is also bad for human digestion as well, and not perhaps, just for those who have celiacs, or whatnot.
I guess it's also a pet peeve of mine that everyone assumes that "Natural, Organic" automatically means "good" for you. Sure whole foods, that are natural and organic are better for you. Milk, dairy products, and meat, that are fed organically, and not pumped full of crap are better too. (And yes, just for the record, I do believe that meat is a health part of the human diet; within reason. We did evolve with the teeth and the stomach for it, though huge gobs everyday, not so much. And like I said, I understand meat is not for everyone, and that's just fine.) However there's a whole bunch of herbs and plants that are just as natural and organic out there, that are seriously bad for you, some can even kill you. Poisons back in the day were made out of plants, after all. One thing I've learned, especially after going gluten free, that you really have to look into everything, do the research, see what research has been done, and make the best decision you feel that you can make.
And I guess I'll leave it at that. Just had to get it off my chest cause it really bugs me when I inadvertently piss someone off; especially friends.
X-posted on Blogger, cause of the soy info.
I think I did the pissing off today. Not sure but I pretty well got the feeling that I did. And for that to the person, if I did, I am sorry. I was talking about soy itself, not vegetarianism/veganism. I have no problem with those who are vegetarians or vegans. (Unless someone tries forcing me to be, that is.) That last comment which did get sent to my e-mail that was made, before it was deleted kinda tipped me off that I pissed you off. And again, I'm really sorry that I did. That hadn't been my intention. The intention was perhaps to start a healthy debate. I do like those on occasion, with intelligent people, and I know you are one of those.
I'm not entirely sorry for talking about how soy isn't meant for the human digestive system, cause it's not. I just wasn't clear enough in why, I think. I should have mentioned WHY it's not, and what forms it's in, is better for people. To keep myself from jumbling things up, let me direct you to this site here. It sums it up better than I could, I think.
Fermented soy is alright, well as long as it's made from organic soy beans, and not the genetically altered hybrid crap from the US, other soy products? Not so much. I was one of many babies fed soy infant formula. BAD things happened. I won't go into the gory details, but things weren't pleasant. And now I've asthma, allergies, and I'm even gluten free now. Coincidence? Perhaps not. All I ask is read the article, look around, and make your own educated decision. Of course there's also a debate starting now if gluten is also bad for human digestion as well, and not perhaps, just for those who have celiacs, or whatnot.
I guess it's also a pet peeve of mine that everyone assumes that "Natural, Organic" automatically means "good" for you. Sure whole foods, that are natural and organic are better for you. Milk, dairy products, and meat, that are fed organically, and not pumped full of crap are better too. (And yes, just for the record, I do believe that meat is a health part of the human diet; within reason. We did evolve with the teeth and the stomach for it, though huge gobs everyday, not so much. And like I said, I understand meat is not for everyone, and that's just fine.) However there's a whole bunch of herbs and plants that are just as natural and organic out there, that are seriously bad for you, some can even kill you. Poisons back in the day were made out of plants, after all. One thing I've learned, especially after going gluten free, that you really have to look into everything, do the research, see what research has been done, and make the best decision you feel that you can make.
And I guess I'll leave it at that. Just had to get it off my chest cause it really bugs me when I inadvertently piss someone off; especially friends.
X-posted on Blogger, cause of the soy info.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Hotter than, well you know, outside. :P
So I hope everyone who reads this is doing well today. :) And those who live in the greater Seattle area, isn't completely exhausting themselves in the heat. Quite hot, for early June, yeah? I'm not certain yet (as I'll watch the news at 11pm to know, but I believe today's high to be around 88F. Tomorrow it's slated to be 90F! Whew! So during the day I've had the windows open, obviously. Well at least when I'm at home. When I'm not, and at night I believe in keeping them closed. It's safer that way. Especially since I drove past my ex the other day who's skulking in the area.
For those who know me, and of my issues with my ex, they understand why I'm not thrilled to know he's around. For those who don't, well I'm not going into detail here, but there's a very good reason I'm not with him anymore. I will say this, it's obvious that he, and his current girlfriend are homeless. Visibly obvious. And well he's tall and has always been skinny. Twig thin, and yet he's somehow LOST even more weight! He's gone from twig to uncooked spaghetti noodle. How? I don't know. *shudders* Now I want to loose weight, but I'll never even think about going that thin. (Not that I could). I think being overly thin is just as bad, if not worse, than being overweight. I mean.. how could you stand it? o_o
Back to the heat for a moment... I actually got to work today! Which is awesome, as I love the job, I just need more hours. I work in a portrait studio though, and so the camera room is always hot. That's okay, there IS a fan, and you normally can walk outside the room for a bit to cool down, and get a drink of water to stay hydrated. However the store's air conditioning had broken down, and when they got it fixed, it seems they only fixed the bottom two levels. They did nothing for the floor I'm on. So it was extremely hot, with no escape. Thankfully I brought two liters of water with me. Yeesh!
I've finally got bean sprouts! Nothing on the pumpkins, potatoes, lettuce, or chard yet though. Hopefully they'll sprout soon. They're getting enough sun! The tomato and cucumber plants seem to still be thriving, and I know the sunflowers are. An odd thing happened though. One of the bean sprouts is a transplant of the one my kid did in school. Different variety than the ones we planted though. Not sure which but... it's obviously different. Anyhow we planted it yesterday, and it did well. This morning it was in good shape, and we watered the garden. Even looked at it at 3pm with the rest later on. Well went up the hill for a bit, when we got back at 3:30, it was limp, and appeared to be wilting. So we added some potting soil, put a stick in the ground and tied it to the stick gently to keep it upright, and watered it. A half hour later, it was THRIVING again! Bounced back nicely. o_O Is that normal?
And then, I've been cooking. I'm NEVER using a premade gluten free pizza crust again... except perhaps for a frisbee. Next time I'm going to try to make my own. Not only was it cardboard in taste, it was as hard as a rock. The pizza was an obvious fail. If anyone has any suggestions on making GF pizza crusts, I'd gladly take them. The GF teriyaki beef last night though, was awesome. So there IS that. I thank my former roommate for teaching me how to make it.
For those who know me, and of my issues with my ex, they understand why I'm not thrilled to know he's around. For those who don't, well I'm not going into detail here, but there's a very good reason I'm not with him anymore. I will say this, it's obvious that he, and his current girlfriend are homeless. Visibly obvious. And well he's tall and has always been skinny. Twig thin, and yet he's somehow LOST even more weight! He's gone from twig to uncooked spaghetti noodle. How? I don't know. *shudders* Now I want to loose weight, but I'll never even think about going that thin. (Not that I could). I think being overly thin is just as bad, if not worse, than being overweight. I mean.. how could you stand it? o_o
Back to the heat for a moment... I actually got to work today! Which is awesome, as I love the job, I just need more hours. I work in a portrait studio though, and so the camera room is always hot. That's okay, there IS a fan, and you normally can walk outside the room for a bit to cool down, and get a drink of water to stay hydrated. However the store's air conditioning had broken down, and when they got it fixed, it seems they only fixed the bottom two levels. They did nothing for the floor I'm on. So it was extremely hot, with no escape. Thankfully I brought two liters of water with me. Yeesh!
I've finally got bean sprouts! Nothing on the pumpkins, potatoes, lettuce, or chard yet though. Hopefully they'll sprout soon. They're getting enough sun! The tomato and cucumber plants seem to still be thriving, and I know the sunflowers are. An odd thing happened though. One of the bean sprouts is a transplant of the one my kid did in school. Different variety than the ones we planted though. Not sure which but... it's obviously different. Anyhow we planted it yesterday, and it did well. This morning it was in good shape, and we watered the garden. Even looked at it at 3pm with the rest later on. Well went up the hill for a bit, when we got back at 3:30, it was limp, and appeared to be wilting. So we added some potting soil, put a stick in the ground and tied it to the stick gently to keep it upright, and watered it. A half hour later, it was THRIVING again! Bounced back nicely. o_O Is that normal?
And then, I've been cooking. I'm NEVER using a premade gluten free pizza crust again... except perhaps for a frisbee. Next time I'm going to try to make my own. Not only was it cardboard in taste, it was as hard as a rock. The pizza was an obvious fail. If anyone has any suggestions on making GF pizza crusts, I'd gladly take them. The GF teriyaki beef last night though, was awesome. So there IS that. I thank my former roommate for teaching me how to make it.
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