Just a bit of an update during a bit of quiet time I've got at the moment.
Yesterday I ended up going to the doctor as I'd been in quite a bit of pain since the night before. I was actually worried it might have been my appendex, and while I wasn't sure, I figured I better be safe than sorry. Thankfully my appendex is just fine. Unthankfully however, I've got a hernia, at the naval. From what the doctor told me, I've likely had it since I gave birth to my muchkin five and a half years ago. When you're pregnant all your organs are smooshed around. When the baby comes out, the umbilical cord that detaches from the mother, as well as the rest of the placenta, and things make their way back into their proper places. However sometimes, something herniates, and well... it stays messed up. And apparently that's what happened to me. Lovely. I'm never having children again. Heh. Anyhow it's small so I don't need surgery, unless things get worse. It's suggested I do eventually get surgery to repair it, but after I'm done losing weight to be healthier.
I'm pretrified at the idea of surgery. I know it's to be a simple one, but it seriously scares me.
So yeah still in pain though it's less today. I'm just going to take it a bit easy till the flare-up passes.
Today was my son's last day of school for the year. He's excited for summer vacation, but he's also sad that school's ended. He loves school to bits, which is good. But he's also looking forward to swim lessons that begin next week. Tomorrow however we go to the doctor over concerns his teachers had. They reccomended that he be tested for aspergers or some such. The way I figure things, is, can't hurt to check, and if he has it then I'll have resources to help him out. I'll post more about it later depending on well, how things turn out.
As for other news, well I've been making more gluten free foods. Made this awesome spice cake from a recipe I found here. It's yummy and the next time I make it will probably be Christmas. Also have made tuna noodle casserole, and a few other things. :D
Perhaps I'll see about posting pics later, or something.
I've also got an interesting summer art project developing in my head. It involves environmental art, and no that doesn't mean just going out and taking pictures of the environment. Though there is that too. Perhaps once the first one is done, I'll share it with you all. :)
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Checking In...
environmental art,
gluten free,
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