Monday, June 15, 2009

Sometimes I wish.....

That I was more eloquent when I talk and write. I also wish I could sometimes come across more clearly, without any verbal vomit attached. So far, this seems impossible, without quite a bit of thinking, and sorting through my brain to make sure I'm not sounding like a moron. And then I either confuse people, piss them off, or both.

I think I did the pissing off today. Not sure but I pretty well got the feeling that I did. And for that to the person, if I did, I am sorry. I was talking about soy itself, not vegetarianism/veganism. I have no problem with those who are vegetarians or vegans. (Unless someone tries forcing me to be, that is.) That last comment which did get sent to my e-mail that was made, before it was deleted kinda tipped me off that I pissed you off. And again, I'm really sorry that I did. That hadn't been my intention. The intention was perhaps to start a healthy debate. I do like those on occasion, with intelligent people, and I know you are one of those.

I'm not entirely sorry for talking about how soy isn't meant for the human digestive system, cause it's not. I just wasn't clear enough in why, I think. I should have mentioned WHY it's not, and what forms it's in, is better for people. To keep myself from jumbling things up, let me direct you to this site here. It sums it up better than I could, I think.

Fermented soy is alright, well as long as it's made from organic soy beans, and not the genetically altered hybrid crap from the US, other soy products? Not so much. I was one of many babies fed soy infant formula. BAD things happened. I won't go into the gory details, but things weren't pleasant. And now I've asthma, allergies, and I'm even gluten free now. Coincidence? Perhaps not. All I ask is read the article, look around, and make your own educated decision. Of course there's also a debate starting now if gluten is also bad for human digestion as well, and not perhaps, just for those who have celiacs, or whatnot.

I guess it's also a pet peeve of mine that everyone assumes that "Natural, Organic" automatically means "good" for you. Sure whole foods, that are natural and organic are better for you. Milk, dairy products, and meat, that are fed organically, and not pumped full of crap are better too. (And yes, just for the record, I do believe that meat is a health part of the human diet; within reason. We did evolve with the teeth and the stomach for it, though huge gobs everyday, not so much. And like I said, I understand meat is not for everyone, and that's just fine.) However there's a whole bunch of herbs and plants that are just as natural and organic out there, that are seriously bad for you, some can even kill you. Poisons back in the day were made out of plants, after all. One thing I've learned, especially after going gluten free, that you really have to look into everything, do the research, see what research has been done, and make the best decision you feel that you can make.

And I guess I'll leave it at that. Just had to get it off my chest cause it really bugs me when I inadvertently piss someone off; especially friends.

X-posted on Blogger, cause of the soy info.

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